Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Biking? You've got to be kidding!

Good god, what a day. But I'm not saying anything about the events in DC here. I had to break away from that horror and go for a ride this afternoon.


  1. I generally avoid news except for one brief moment each day around noon when I go to abc news online to do what I've been calling for months now "checking the crazy." Oh, my. Little did I know how apropos that designation would be.

    Good idea, biking away from the madness.
    I went book shopping.
    Your posts are making me want to get a bicycle, btw. Keep up the good work!

    1. Hey, that's just the encouragement I need to keep posting; Richland is so essentially flat that it's ideal for cycling in the shoulder seasons. I'd hate to bike there in the depths of winter or summer, though. (Except it seems like it's being a quite balmy winter there this year.)
