Saturday, February 13, 2021

Snow day birds

In order to produce this year's calendars I had to break down and sign up for Photoshop, while today's snow sort of compelled me to break out the old camera. Inevitably, photo posts will result. Both my photography and ID skills are more than a bit rusty, so I don't swear to the accuracy of all these IDs.
I sort of thought there was a white-throated sparrow in the yard this morning. I'm thinking, however, that this is a golden-crowned sparrow. Maybe.       
Dark-eyed junco
I will never not be charmed by thumbprints (technically: a female bushtit)
99.99% certain this is a ruby-crowned kinglet though I've yet to spot its ruby crown and it's been hanging out for the last week.
Now is this the same bird as the first one above, or is it a white-throated sparrow?
Quite the unexpected visitor! I'm thinking it's a hermit thrush.
A handsome bird, the spotted towhee, even with snow on its beak.

A couple of American robins enjoying the berries on a neighborhood tree.


  1. Golden-crowned Sparrow all round, yes. Hermit Thrush is very nice! White-crowned Sparrows of all ages/sexes have a distinctive dark eye-stripe. Ruby-crowned, yes. Glad you dug out the old camera!

    1. Thanks. What I still think I saw, but failed to photograph, was a white-throated sparrow. We've had them occasionally. I didn't know that about the white-crowned eye; I'll have to look for that when I'm wondering if it's a young white-crowned vs golden-crowned in future.

    2. Also, it has started snowing here again.

  2. Sorry, my typo -- I meant WHite-THROATED Sparrows have the eye line! I had one in my yard up there once. Also usually a tiny patch of yellow between eye and bill.
