Hot cocoa in the Paddington mugs and rain-bedewed tulips in sopping wet Kraft-paper wrapping; | it must be Seattle's version of March Madness*
Some days, I feel, I should get to quadruple my distance numbers due to conditions. Today is wet and windy; gusts up to 50mph are predicted. Vendors at the farmers market looked like sailors on the high seas to me, while Scott thought they resembled subway riders; either way they were all wearing wet-weather gear, holding the supports for their tents with an upraised arm while swaying a bit themselves. It was quite jaunty-looking, really, but must have been miserable. We were pretty soaked ourselves as well
and we found that no matter how hard we squeezed our brakes on the ride home (downhill, on cold wet streets), we didn't actually come to a complete stop. Fortunately traffic was light and we thought to check our brakes early on so we never allowed ourselves to build up any real speed. Still, it was good to get home. I immediately started making cocoa, while Scott brought the bikes in.
So, a stinky two miles on the day, but surely we get some sort of bragging rights, right? And on the year:
*I've no idea what is going on with the caption formatting there.
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