Gato lion, cleaned of some moss |
If there's one thing I never bother to resist, it's then and now photos pertaining to the house. Today, I mowed the lawn (such as it is) for the first time in 2018, and then, the weather being intermittently pleasant, I took some photos. Seeing as it was more a yard work than a photo-taking day, I took the photos with the iPad--and then had to deal with figuring out how to get them off the iPad and over to blogger. My life, she is so hard.
The "then" photo (to which I keep returning); the backyard circa 2009 |
And the latest "now" photo, the backyard this afternoon (March, 2018) |
The cherry--the tree in the right foreground--lost a major limb a few years back. I'm really not entirely sure what the rest of the branchiness is in the current photo.
And, because it was a somewhat lovely day and I frequently need to be reminded that not all is dark and dreary:
Clematis which blooms early and smells lovely |
Lenten roses that have recovered nicely from February's late snow and frost |
Budding magnolia against some cumulus clouds and blue sky |
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