Friday, July 5, 2019

Placeholder photo for pending Housiversary report

. . .  which, let’s be honest, may very likely never happen, given how neglected blahdeblah has been of late. But here’s a shot of the post-painted kitchen, the cabinet and trim painting having been this year’s Housiversary Project. It’s been a few weeks, but we remain gobsmacked.


  1. Nice! That looks a lot like the color I painted my living room walls. Light blue? Is that lavender back there too? I was thinking of lavender for another wall next to the light blue ones. Happy Housiversary!

  2. Thank you for your kind wishes. The scale of your painting projects is a lot greater than ours!

    The lighting must be a little deceptive--or your monitor might want to be adjusted; the cabinets are the same green they were before (though cleaner now and possibly a bit more faded than when you saw them last) and the trim is a yellowish cream. The wall behind the stove is unchanged; it's some sort of speckled white countertop stuff. (Clearly, I will never get a job at Home Depot or as a real estate agent.)
