Monday, August 24, 2015

Like Christmas in August but with so much more Vitamin K and silicon!

I could post photos of some contenders for a new pair of glasses that I'm sort of considering (from the ever-so-popular Warby Parker) but instead I opt for a shot of this evening's green bean and cherry tomato harvest.

This is what happens when you think the bean seeds you planted aren't doing anything so you plant more. And then those "more" don't seem to be showing up either so you sprout some seeds inside and then transplant them. And then it turns out that all the seeds are turning into plants and all those plants start producing beans like mad.

Fortunately, the beans, steamed for a few minutes, are excellent. But we have a *lot* of beans and more coming. Would any Seattleites like some healthy, locally sourced, organic green beans? Please!?  They're packed with antioxidants.


  1. Lovely colors and fab turquoise colander. BTW, what was your inspiration for writing a blog? I used to have one but stopped after my mom died 5 years ago. I think I wanted some evidence of readership (should have installed a traffic widget on the dang thing). But now that I am unemployed (hopefully will find something), thinking of starting up again since I'm not as sick of the computer and sitting in a chair to type on it.

    1. Thanks Kyle! I love the color of the colander too though it's definitely showing signs of age.
      I had an LJ account ( for years but sort of migrated to Facebook which I quickly found was too short-form for me. You can check your stats on blogger but it's not exactly ego-stroking, at least not for me with my extremely limited readership! Hmmm; I guess I don't know why I do it, I just do. (Which is so much the essence of my life. . . )

      Some day--probably no sooner than October at this rate--I'd love to meet you for coffee or tea or something. What do you say?
