Saturday, December 3, 2022

Fa-a-la-la-la, la-la la laaaaaaaaa

Goodness me, it's been a month since my last post. I really intended to reform, but somehow November was hard. Thinking back, it was the stress and anxiety leading up to election day, as well as some illness and then preparing for Thanksgiving and the like. 

But this last week there has been snow (so early!) and those gold-star events on my calendar--Figgy Pudding and West Seattle Tree Lighting-- and, by gum, such things cannot pass unnoted. As it happens, the only photo I took at Figgy Pudding was some neon signage at Pike Place, but the Seattle Times had a photographer on the job, though I'm not sure when that last photo (if you click the link) was taken; the space was pretty crowded during the actual event.

The easiest way to get from group to group was via the covered market

I went so far as to snag videos of some musical acts in West Seattle this evening, though I'm not sure how readily I can share them here. If this works, it should be a snippet of the Endolyne Children's Choir doing their bullet:

Earlier in the day, I went on a errand that took me to the Thistle Street Stairs which were truly quite charming:

I like that people decorate them for the holidays,

and that they have some more year-round art as well.

This is but a fraction of the 367 stairs--but look at that blue sky!

I'm sure there should be something I could say about my reading or biking or yardwork over the last month, but aside from Bessie and me being about a dozen miles short of our goal for the year (a lacklustre 89 miles in November), puttenesca made earlier this week with some of the garden tomatoes I brought in before we planted all the tulip bulbs in the hillside block early in November, and God's Teeth and Other Phenomena being a bit on the stinko end of the scale, I got nothing.

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