Wednesday, July 14, 2021

1,000 miles

Oh, it's the little things and for me, today, it's that updating my love to ride numbers with this week's lousy back-and-forth commute miles has gotten me to exactly 1,000 miles just shy of mid-July. Sadly, I expect that my overall numbers for the remaining five and a half months of the year will be lower. Biking to and from the office means my miles three days per week will be just over 4 rather than the 6 or 7 that was fairly consistent when Scott and I were going for after-work "fun and fitness" rides around the neighborhood but still. I'm pleased about this:
Because I'm just that shallow, or just that easily contented, depending on one's perspective. And, I hope, we'll get a few longer rides in over the remainder of the summer and early fall. Good lord willin'.


  1. Congratulations! While you have not yet inspired me to go forth and purchase a bicycle (or even an adult tricycle), I remain impressed by your cycling diligence. Well done!

    1. The ride to the Fill to meet you provided a nice boost on the month, even if I did catch a bus partway through the ride home again. All that walking around Rome takes it out of a person.
