Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Fly-by bike update

 It seems wrong to let June pass entirely with no blahdeblahblah at all and it *is* the halfway point through the year so I pause before sleeping to share a quick screen-shot update:

And then, blessedly, I sleep for 2021 is damned tiresome.


  1. That's a lot of miles -- if you had headed out on I-90 on January 1, why, you'd be just past Lame Deer, MT by now!

    Yesterday I started a new walking plan. I got all of 2 miles, but then, it was 83 outside when I started.

    I've missed your blog updates!

  2. Well, I will tell myself, at least I'm not in Lame Deer, MT just now. Walking, especially in the TriCities in summer, is more challenging than biking and you did get more than 10,000 steps just a few days ago, right?

    I sort of miss being more regular with blog updates--I just seem to have no time or focus lately. If I *were* to post something new here today, it would likely be about the mother and fledgling downy woodpeckers who made themselves at home in the backyard this morning, while we were sitting out with our pre-workday caffeine and toast. It was very fine.

    1. Fledgling woodpeckers! Whoo! Do you keep a Yard Bird List separate from your bird Life List? because you've had some fabulous ones -- the Wilson's Snipe, the Lesser Goldfinch...I'm sure there must be more.

      The 10,000-step day was followed by an 11,800 step day as part of a "virtual walk" challenge. These things kept popping up in my FB ads and I finally checked one out, a short one -- 13.6 miles through virtual London. I was pleasantly surprised by how much the silly thing motivated me to get out there (EARLY) every morning to get some serious walking in. Completed it in 3-1/2 days, so now I've moved on to doubling that with a virtual Rome walk challenge of 26 miles. Fun way to keep moving.

    2. Truth to tell, I've stopped keeping any lists at all--it just seemed like too much effort. I agree I've had some fine yard birds over the years--possibly the time the pileated showed up during the February bird count belongs on the list though that's not such a rare bird--rare in a small backyard though, right? We had a nuthatch a few times last winter/spring; I know you got them all the time in Lake City, but we never have them here.

      Congratulations on your walk around London. I hope you get some gelato in Rome!
