Monday, April 19, 2021

My little pony is leaving town

It's a sweet yet sad little horse story that brings me to blahdeblah tonight when it's already so late. One of the many things I have loved about West Seattle is that, some years ago, I happened across a miniature horse in someone's backyard, and we've been able to stop by to say hey (or maybe, in this circumstance, "hay") to him over the years. Yesterday I saw the headline "Happy Trails to Jeb" in the West Seattle Blog* which I found more than a little alarming since surely that is what is written when an animal has died.

Happily, Jeb is just moving to New Mexico and I don't think that he's moving to the southwest in the way that animals sometimes go to live on a farm in the country. At least I hope that's not the case. They've gone to some lengths to reassure locals that that is not the case, providing this elaborate story:

It's not a farm in the country.

And, because we're very community-minded in West Seattle, there's a big card that one can sign:

So true!
 Jeb is to head south tomorrow so I was happy it occurred to me that we could ride by to bid him farewell soon after we set out on this evening's ride.  There was a family attempting to have a meaningful moment, or maybe just pausing to talk near his fence, but Jeb was far more interested in his evening meal than in visiting. We hung around for a few minutes, signing his card and wishing he'd look up for even a moment. Being an obliging animal, eventually he did--briefly. Naturally I fumbled my phone (I now have my own phone capable of taking photos!) a bit, but I think it sort of adds to the wistful charm of the final encounter:

Jeb offers a final opportunity to the local papparazzi

The crowd then began to thicken so we left. West Seattle won't be the same without Jeb, but I'm thinking I'll give Mimi a week or two and then leave her a copy of City Goats

We continued our ride to the usual viewpoint in the Admiral District, where it took me a few tries to get the panorama setting to work, with mixed results:

I love that the street sign is for Seattle Street.

A gorgeous night, really, but I can feel already that I'm going to be just that much more sad knowing Jeb isn't only a few miles away any longer. Speaking of miles, a mileage update:

There have been some missed days and some light days but overall, not so shabby.

*The WSB is another thing I love about West Seattle; who can resist a news organization that reports on a local horse leaving town?



  1. While it's sad that you won't be able to say "hay" to Jeb, my friend Betsy who has owned horses for decades tells me that they truly do love the company of other horses above all others. So may he have a safe journey and a happy new life in New Mexico.

    Good luck with the goat plan!

    1. Yes, I am sure Jeb will be happier once he's recovered from the travel. If you read the article, you'll have seen that Seattle grass isn't really his cup of tea either. As it happens, I think I wrote "be happy in NM" on his card so great minds, etc.
