I've done some counting the last few days, dutifully completing checklists on the Cornell / eBird site. I was disappointed to realize, after having a stellar day during Thursday's rain/snow mix afternoon, that the count didn't officially begin until Friday, but I've borne up bravely as is my way. And the birds have been pretty obliging: flickers, towhees, golden-crowned sparrows, song sparrows, thumbprints, juncos, finches, chickadees, Steller's jays, robins, starlings, and singletons of yellow-rumped warbler, downy woodpecker, Anna's hummingbird, and ruby-crowned kinglet have all been putting in appearances.
Sadly, I find that either I'm less capable of holding a camera steady than I used to be or my camera seriously needs to be overhauled. Of course, shooting through at least one layer of plexiglass most of the time doesn't help any either. But, for posterity, a mess of out-of-focus and/or over-processed photos:
Yellow-rumped warbler (at a distance, through plexiglass)
Spotted towhee (ditto plexiglass)
Seriously "sharpened" ruby-crowned kinglet (ditto other disclaimers, too)
Classic birding shot
More successful though still blurry: Steller's jay
Spot the song sparrow; the flicker is incidental.
Ms Northern Flicker
Over-adjusted golden-crowned sparrow (*Such* a handsome fellow!)
Neighboring tree with FIVE flickers, five starlings and two or three robins
Mr Downy Woodpecker (at a distance, through plexiglass)
SO many thumbprints bushtits. The day before the count officially started.
House finches and goldfinch at the feeder. Stealth towhee.
And, if it will upload, a video notable for its soundtrack of birdsong and precipitation:
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