I have a draft post that consists of a few quotes from Moby-Dick, the book I am currently reading, but that's just going to have to wait because this evening my plan is to toss some photos from (mostly) today's bike ride onto blah-de-blah-blah and then do some more reading. About M-D (as I'm sure no one so irreverently abbreviates it) I will say only that it's much more fun than I'd expected, though the middle is bogging down a bit.
Today's bike ride started later than planned but I insist that since we were out and about before noon, it was still "early" by my Saturday standards. I was feeling anxious, god knows why, so we stuck to West Seattle--which was fine as I wanted to twitch the giant Steller's jay that had been reported in the West Seattle Blog. It was, handily, practically en route to Fresh Flours and not that hard to spot once we were on the right corner:
First sighting!
Naturally, we had to get a little closer and then, just in case Scott had somehow lost sight of it, I helpfully pointed:
Bessie and I provide some scale
We continued on our way to a surprisingly well-stocked Fresh Flours and then looped about back homeward, taking in the sights along the way.
Scott agreed that the Airstream planter attached to the Airstream was worth looping back to see.
I failed to take photos of the many fine trees so this one will just have to do.
Not usually my sort of thing, but the fairy garden of gnomes kind of charmed.
I'll never fail to be captivated by this view of the Sound from West Seattle.
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