Post-crossing |
This evening, while closing down my computer at work, I foolishly paused to read comments on a story about, I don't know, the Nevada Democratic Primary, I think. It was all about how rotten Bernie Sanders supporters are or maybe about how dishonest Hillary Clinton is. Certainly it didn't fail to bring up the horror that would be a Trump presidency. I then closed everything down, filled my water bottle, and set out on Bessie, with my head full of hate and anger and disappointment and, oh, all those things that one feels if one allows oneself to think about American politics or, for that matter, American policies. I rode to the exit of the parking lot where I saw a) a man standing by his parked car with his iPhone out, b) two semi-trucks stopped in the roadway, c) a car, also stopped, some distance shy of the stop sign in its lane, and d) 27 Canada geese (6 adult and 21 gangly teenagers) gradually crossing the various lanes of traffic. No one, not even the geese, honked. Take
that, lousy disillusioned mood.
Photo pending permission of the iPhone photographer to post it. (Because I was too excited to work my own phone properly, and I felt that we'd shared something so I could ask a favor.)
Permission granted
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